Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Patience Government Primary School Leads the way

A Child Shall Lead Them

Train up a child in the way it should grow...

                                                      .....when it is old it shall not depart from it!

Kudos to the students and  teachers of Patience Hill Government for leading the way


The undermentioned crops were grown using goat fertilizer.  These are the fruits of the labour of children of the Patience Hill Government Primary School, Tobago

Children grew crops like the Cauliflour; lettuce, beet, cabbage, tomato, sweet potato, chive, ginger, Aloe.

Cauliflower contains sulforaphane, a sulfur compound that has also been shown to kill cancer stem cells, thereby slowing tumor growth. Some researchers believe it eliminates cancer stem cells and is key to controlling cancer. 

Research has shown that combining cauliflower with curcumin (the active compound in the spice turmeric) may help prevent and treat prostate cancer.

The is therefore a link between cauliflower-containing diets and cancer prevention, particularly: bladder cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, and ovarian cancer. 

cauliflower provides special nutrient support for three body systems that are closely connected with cancer development and prevention:
the body's detox system; its antioxidant system, and its inflammatory/anti-inflammatory system. 

Cauliflower is extremely versatile. You can eat it raw, add it to salads, or use it in your cooking. Cauliflower can even be seasoned and mashed for a healthier version of "mashed potatoes.

Sulforaphane in cauliflower and other cruciferous vegetables has been found to significantly improve blood pressure and kidney function.

By the 19th century, however, the natural sweetness of beets came to be appreciated and beets began to be used as a source of sugar

Beet is a unique source of betaine, a nutrient that helps protects cells, proteins, and enzymes from environmental stress. It's also known to help fight inflammation, protect internal organs, improve vascular risk factors, enhance performance, and likely help prevent numerous chronic diseases

Drinking beet juice may help to lower blood pressure in a matter of hours. One study found that drinking one glass of beet juice lowered systolic blood pressure by an average of 4-5 points.

The betalin pigments in beets support your body's Phase 2 detoxification process, which is when broken down toxins are bound to other molecules so they can be excreted from your body. Traditionally, beets are valued for their support in detoxification and helping to purify your blood and your live
Beet Greens
If you simply throw away the green leafy tops to your beets, you're doing yourself a disservice, as these are among the healthiest part of the plant.   Besides containing important nutrients like protein, phosphorus, zinc, fiber, vitamin B6, magnesium, potassium, copper, and manganese, beet greens also supply significant amounts of vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and iron.

Beet greens actually have even more iron than spinach (another leafy green in the same botanical family) as well as a higher nutritional value overall than the beetroot itself. Research shows beet greens may:
  • Help ward off osteoporosis by boosting bone strength
  • Fight Alzheimer's disease

    • Strengthen your immune system by stimulating the production of antibodies and white blood cells

    This food is very low in Saturated Fat and Cholesterol. It is also a good source of Thiamin, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Potassium, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, Folate and Manganese.

    Incorporating patchoi (bok choy) into your diet may be a smart move if you're trying to improve your cardiovascular health.


    Bok choy is one of the popular very low calorie leafy vegetables. Nonetheless, it is a very rich source of many vital phyto-nutrients, vitamins, minerals and health-benefiting anti-oxidants.
    100 g of bok choy carries just 13 calories. It is one of the recommended vegetables in the weight reduction programs falling under "zero calorie or negative calorie" category of food items, which when eaten would add no extra calories into the body but facilitate calorie burn and thereby reduction of body weight.
    As in other Brassica family vegetables, bok choy too contains certain anti-oxidant plant chemicals such as thiocyanates, indole-3-carbinol, lutein, zea-xanthin, sulforaphane and isothiocyanates. Together with dietary fiber and vitamins, these compounds help protect against breast, colon, and prostate cancers and help reduce LDL or "bad cholesterol" levels in the blood.

    What's New and Beneficial About Tomatoes

    Did you know that tomatoes do not have to be a deep red color to be an outstanding source of lycopene?  Lycopene is a carotenoid pigment that has long been associated with the deep red color of many tomatoes. The lycopene from orange- and tangerine-colored tomatoes may actually be better absorbed than the lycopene from red tomatoes. Tomatoes may not have to be deep red in order for us to get great lycopene-related benefits. 

    Tomatoes are widely known for their outstanding antioxidant content.  Researchers have recently found an important connection between lycopene and bone health. A study was designed in which tomato and other dietary sources of lycopene were removed
    Intake of tomatoes has long been linked to heart health. Fresh tomatoes and tomato extracts have been shown to help lower total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides. In addition, tomato extracts have been shown to help prevent unwanted clumping together (aggregation) of platelet cells in the blood - a factor that is especially important in lowering risk of heart problems like atherosclerosis

    Aloe Vera

    Aloe vera is a popular medicinal plant that is used in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries.  Its leaves are full of a “gel” that contains numerous beneficial compounds.
    Aloe vera contains various powerful antioxidant compounds. Some of these compounds can help inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria.
    Aloe vera contains various powerful antioxidant compounds. Some of these compounds can help inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria.
    When used as a mouth rinse, pure Aloe vera juice is just as effective at reducing dental plaque buildup as regular mouthwash.
    Early evidence suggests that Aloe vera may have anti-aging effects on the skin, but more research is needed.
    Aloe vera has sometimes been used as a traditional diabetes remedy.  It is said to enhance insulin sensitivity and help improve blood sugar management.

    Ginger - Health Benefits

    Aromatic, pungent and spicy, ginger adds a special flavor and zest to stir fries and many fruit and vegetable dishes. Fresh ginger root is available year round in the produce section of your local market. 
    Historically, ginger has a long tradition of being very effective in alleviating symptoms of gastrointestinal distress.  Ginger possesses numerous therapeutic properties including antioxidant effects, an ability to inhibit the formation of inflammatory compounds, and direct anti-inflammatory effects.
    Ginger reduces all symptoms associated with motion sickness including dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and cold sweating.
    Ginger's anti-vomiting action has been shown to be very useful in reducing the nausea and vomiting of pregnancy

    Ginger contains very potent anti-inflammatory compounds called gingerols. These substances are believed to explain why so many people with osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis experience reductions in their pain levels and improvements in their mobility when they consume ginger regularly
    Okra is a powerhouse of valuable nutrients. Nearly half of which is soluble fiber in the form of gums and pectins. Soluble fiber helps to lower serum cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart disease. The other half is insoluble fiber which helps to keep the intestinal tract healthy decreasing the risk of some forms of cancer, especially colorectal cancer. Nearly 10% of the recommended levels of vitamin B6 and folic acid are also present in a half cup of cooked okra 

    The students of this school learn the importance of recycling products to add value to their school, their community and so improve their circumstance.  Congratulations Patience Hill Government!!!!

    Question to readers

    How can you improve your circumstance through recycling methods?

    1 comment:

    1. Congratulation Patience Hill Government Primary School. Looking good Keep up the good work. Please encourage the other primary school in Tobago to plant vegetables to stay healthy.
